Kristin’s Dirty Book on Sign Language

In the deaf community today, there is a controversial issue lurking around. Here’s the Facebook link to an event that is encouraging people to take a deeper look into the situation. Attached to the event’s information are more links to the websites that Kristin has made videos on (Youtube) and contact information.

Now I’m one and all for freedom of speech but this is closer to a ethical issue and one that tests somebody’s morals. Kristin is legally doing nothing wrong, but the deaf community is aggressively taking action. There’s talk that NAD might do something but I haven’t seen any evidence leading to this.

There’s a lot of anger and hatred already being pointed towards Kristin. I’m not going to join that parade, instead opting for the simpler route. Signing the petition on and explaining my reasons for doing so.

Kristin isn’t an fluent ASL user, and she hasn’t been exposed to enough Deaf culture to get opinions on her actions. She isn’t a bitch or an ugly fucker. She’s just someone who came up with an idea on how to make money and spread sign, even though her ethics and morals were questionable. Her idea wasn’t very good, or well received by the deaf community. Their lashing, however, I will admit was unacceptable on our part. I’m not saying this applies to ALL deaf people, but there were a few who crossed the line. Honestly, the civil thing to do would be to just say we don’t appreciate what she’s doing, and just sign a petition asking her to not publish a book on it because of her standing in the deaf community. She just needs more exposure and understanding of our culture, and she has to appreciate our diversity and values FIRST before being able to make fun of it. American Sign Language is a language. Just like Spanish and French. All ASL users are asking of Kristin is to embrace the language on its own. I don’t think you have any right to make fun of a culture without being able to understand it. This is how stereotypes work. We shouldn’t poke fun of other minorities or even make a dirty book about their words and how to use them inappropriately just for mere profit. If we were already active in their community and culture and had friends within that group, then it would be more likely to be acceptable. I make fun of one of my best friends for being Mexican but I’m not going to make a book about it and profit off it without his permission. I’d probably kick his ass if he made a book poking fun at my Japanese roots if he did so without my permission and understanding too.

So I ask you, readers, to sign the petition. Not because Kristin is a dumb bitch or an ugly whore. But because she needs to understand her place first and look at her own morals and ethics before making a business decision. This is a simple request of me, just sign it, hope we can slowly make a difference and move on.

I oughta be sleeping soon so see you later guys!

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