A (Poor) College Student’s Spring Break

First of all, I have no idea why my school decided on a spring break this early but last year it was in February. So it could have been worse. At least I finally got to head somewhere warm for a change as I opted for Washington DC the last two years. Last year was only because my family was there at the same time so I wanted to spend some time with them.

This year I finally chose Florida. It wasn’t the best idea in my mind at the time but so far, so good. When my friends said Florida, I envisioned Orlando with Disney World and Universal Studios but nope. I ended up in Port Charlotte, which unfortunately is hours away from all the major cities such as Tampa, Orlando, and Miami. I also expected more teenagers in the area but instead got a lot of retired senior citizens. Totally not what I’d ask for nor expect in a spring break.

I’m not complaining, because I found out it’s also where the Tampa Bay Rays train before the MLB season opens. As a passionate fan of baseball, I jumped at this chance and told everyone I have to go to a game here. My wish’s about to be granted come tomorrow afternoon. Rays versus the Twins, because two of the girls here I’m with are from the Twin Cities so it’s only fitting that we go to this game.

I’m eagerly awaiting tomorrow, and the sun that I’m counting as a bonus. The group I’m with is really…interesting and diverse to say the least. At least they don’t bore me although going with your best friend of the opposite gender can be kind of bizarre. She and I are close but we’re not attracted to each other at all, contrary to popular belief. But she’s more like one of those psycho mothers who nags you a little more than everyone else and you have that small urge to just sock her. It’s not exactly an advantage…most of the time but it’s nice being with someone I know pretty well.

Spring break isn’t what everyone imagines when it comes to college spring breaks. The outside world thinks of booze, sex, and beaches. What they’re leaving out are the extremely high and alarming bills that come along with it (who said booze was cheap), and being stuck with the same people for a week 24/7. You really can learn a lot about people’s true personalities this way. I’m going to enjoy the rest of this spring break here with all the sun I suppose that’s all I’ll put up for now! See you later guys!