Summer Nights Yet to Come

It’s now May, and this only means one thing for a poor college student like myself. Summer break is coming soon. I’m going home at the end of the month, and it’ll be surreal, being separated from many of my friends who I’ve developed a bond with throughout my years here. It’s always a weird feeling going home, as I’m reunited with childhood friends but I won’t be around those I spent a majority of my time with. But at the same time, home is where I’ve been made into the person I am today.

This time, I go back home with a heart that’s already taken and a new outlook at my personal goals. I’ve joined a fraternity, I’ve met a special somebody, and my goals are almost as high as the sky itself. I want to visit as many baseball parks as possible, with AT&T/Fenway Park on my sights this summer. After school, I’m hoping to make a pit stop in Boston before my flight back home to Seattle and take in the sights along with a Red Sox game. Later in the summer, there’s a softball tournament in Fremont and that’s where AT&T Park comes in the picture when I fly south to the Bay Area.

Honestly, I’m excited for the summer. For the late nights at Dick’s Drive Through with my friends, the endless hours chilling at Triple XXX enjoying a frosty root beer in the summer heat, and then there’s going to be all the traveling. I’m hoping to mend some ends that I left untouched when I left for Rochester, and open some new gates along the way. Things have changed since I left, and people have grown up and gone their own ways. Every time I return, it’s one more realization how close I am to the real world, and how unready I feel.

I’ll also be heading to Louisville, Kentucky for the NAD Conference, as a member of the RIT College Bowl team. That’s something I’m eagerly anticipating, but I should brush up on my trivia. Maybe I can ask my sister to help me out with this, as she could use the practice for her high school academic bowl competition too. This summer’s going to be great. If it’s not, I’ll make it great.

I gotta email my parents now so see you later guys!